Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Heroes in Black History

Heroes in Black History
Dave + Neta Jackson

-Ricky and Sheriaklyn Byrdsong were basketball coaches, but soon they realized that there's more in life that basketball so instead of coaching basketball, they coach kids in the game of life.
-There's dignity in education and hard work.
-Money isn't everything, people want friendship and dignity also.
-There need to be more people like Ricky who doesn't care about people's status and would still be friends with them.
-A positive attitude is the most important skill can be developed.

-What's a piecemeal?
-Why was James stabbed in the back with a knife?
-Who shot coach Ricky and why?
-What do they mean by crabs in bucket?

-Ruefully(164): Causing sorrow or pity.
-Yarmulke(169): A skull worn esp. during a prayer or religious study for Jewish male.
-Triumph(181): Joy over success.

-"...There are other options besides becoming on NBA superstar like Micheal Jordan."(164)
-"When the teacher passed out the math quiz and Ben Carson looked at the 30 problems, his heart sank."(175)

-This is about how money isn't everything, dignity and friendship is also wanted, and if you have the determination and belief, you can do what you want and to have faith in yourself otherwise what you strive to do will not come out the way you want it to.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Heroes in Black History

Heroes in Black History
Dave + Neta Jackson

-John's Perkins brother was shot and killed outside a movie theater by standing so he was sent to California for his own safety and when he came back he read the bible for both the white and black churches. 
-Because of the white man, John learned his first unforgettable economic lesson and became cautions of what he has to do and what is being offered for the accomplishment before doing it.
-Forgive is one way that we can love our enemies.
-Festo didn't like how the people back in  his home town talking about Jesus or asking each other for forgiveness.
-The rich man gave back the chief his cows because God said to do so because of his karmas. 

-Why didn't John asked how much he was going to get paid for doing the work before doing it?
-Why did the man only gave him 15 cent when it's suppose to be a dollar, sometimes a dollar and a half or even two dollars?
-How come Festo Kivengere was upset that people is trying to spread their religious?
-What's so wrong about asking for forgiveness and talking about Jesus?

-Bootleggers(137): To deal goods illegally.
-Scuffed(140): To scrap with one's foot or feet.
-Snarled(154): To growl threateningly or viciously. 

-"John could see the faces of the officers, twisted with rage and hate."(143)
-"Whites who realized that racism was wrong often felt crippled by guilt."(146)

-This is about how gospel had changed their life, how it made a big difference and encourage them to spread it along among their neighbors, its also about how God will punish you or at least karmas would occur if you do bad things such as the man who stole the chief's cow, he was sent to jail and beaten and that had made him realize it was bad and to return it, it also tells don't take what something doesn't belong to you and people make mistakes, it just take time for them to know it so they deserve to be forgiven if they apologized.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Heroes in Black History

Heroes in Black History

Dave + Neta Jackson


- You shouldn't fear anything except God and only God because he is in the Holy Spirit.

- They repented and exchanged apologies and forgiveness from the white and black leaders of the Assemblies of God, Church of God in Christ, the Church of God Prophecy, and various independent Pentecostal and charismatic groups.

- They washed one another's feet and pledged to take out the racism in their churches.

- Mary is optimistic because even though she was rejected into a college because of her skin color, she thought to herself, well if she couldn't go to Africa then she decided to teach her people right at her home place in the South.

- Money isn't a problem if you put your head to use and find a solution.

- Why did they wash other's feet and not their mouth, which spoke of racism?

- Who started racism?

- Who helped Mary Bethune with building the school?

- Why do we tempt to take the shortcuts when it comes to certain work?

- Evangelizing(76): To preach the Gospel to.

- Menial(90): Lowly and sometimes degrading.

- Perplexed(101): Bewildered; Puzzled.

- "God is sick to his stomach."(77)

- "She soaked up knowledge like a thirsty sponge."(83)

- This is about how Seymour help people realize that racism is foolish and they got rid of it in many places, also how Mary build a school for the students in really need of help to teach them and how she was rejected because of her skin which made her even wanting to make a school for the colored skin kids who couldn't read, faith is claiming victory and acting on what you believe God wants you to do, and to put your best effort no regardless of the task.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Heroes in Black History

Heroes in Black History
Dave + Neta Jackson

- I think that Amanda did a good thing giving the missionary two dollars for the India people to be able to bring gospel to the people even though she had needed it for her daughter's shoe but in the end, she received what she gave and a little extra.
- Do what you think is right and God will surely help you out.
- Best way to fight a duel with your enemy is on your knees.
- Even though Charles Albert Tindley didn't received the proper education, he was became a successful preacher because he didn't give up and wanted to learn a new thing, a new thing that he did not know the day before, each day. 
- It's not the amount of money that makes you rich, its the amount of friends you have makes you rich.

- Is there really a devil and an angel? 
- Isn't it your conscious?
- How was Charles able to pronounce the word by himself?
- Was the little too poor to get a gift with his name on it?

- Congregation(48): An assembly body. 
- Dejected(51): .
- Hollows(67): Having a space or cavity inside.

-"Won't you look like a fool in front of these ladies just giving two dollars."(38)
-"His handsome face was a dark cloud of gloom."(41)

- This is about how even though Amanda was really poor and only had two dollars which was suppose to be for her daughter's new shoes but she still risk it and gave it to the the indian people because it was a charity thing and she did it is because she believe that God will help her if she does the right thing, also how its best to fix a problem with one of your non-friends is by talking it out, silence won't do any good, Charles didn't give up and believe to try to learn something you didn't before that day, how Dr. Carver found out that peanuts could be used for many thing which had helped out the economy. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Heroes in Black History

Heroes in Black History
Dave + Neta Jackson


- Harriet Tubman real name is Araminta Ross who was born a slave around 1820 on a Maryland plantation and got the nickname 'minty' by the owner Edward Brodas.

- She then married John Tubman and he would tell her master every time she would tell him about running but she still didn't give up on hope of freedom.

- She was hired as a nurse and a spy for the Union Army during the Civil war but never got her paid. 

- It's either liberty or death, as Harriet always thought and believed.

- Samuel was hated by the crew because he had no skill in sailing and because his skin color was black.

- What did Harriet do when it felt too tired to go on?

- Why doesn't her free husband want her to be free too?

- How did the Grebos capture Kaboo?

- How did Samuel seem to be able to change Merritt's mind?

- Gnawed(19): To bite or chew on.

- Revivals(22): Restoration to use, acceptance, or currency.

- Evangelistic(34): To preachers of the gospel.

- "A light flashed, and God spoke from heaven"(22).

- "They became, like one family"(24).

- This is about Harriet freeing the slave, to choose liberty or death, Kaboo being taken as pawn because his father could not pay off the debts because of the war that broke out, Samuel being an importance impact and changed minds, and about Amanda who sang and spoke her message of salvation and holiness. 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

ROAR - Bel Canto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter TEN

-Carmen taught Mr. Hosokawa with out benefit of a translator.
-You don't need to speak to teach someone how to be quiet.
-Carmen is a genuis, and beautiful.
-They are so used ti the way they are living their captive lives.
-I like this simile "Like soilders shot in battle, they lay where they fell", its so powerful.

-How old is Carmen?
-What is Mr. Hosokawa lacking and needs to learn?
-Gen likes Carmen?
-Who does Carmen likes?


2literacy terms:
-"...Could turn a door knob as silently as a leaf falls"(289).
-"He had always though of him as a private man,"(290).

1overview sentence:
-Its about how they finally realized how good, intelligent she was and she helped them all those time, then at the end they finally realized that she has always been there yet she was last found in the kitchen, shot dead and that was the end of it.

ROAR - Bel Canto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter NINE

-They gave roxane alot of respect and glory.
-They also hope for the return.
-Cesar is a boy who loves music and has a passion for singing.
-Carmen is always there to help, what they came to realize.
-Cesar likes Carmen.

-Why didnt Roxane came down to the piano this morning?
-Who was trying to fill up Roxane's space?
-Was it singing he loved or her singing he loved?
-Was he better than Roxane?


2literacy terms:
-"The notes welled up in throat like a wave"(266).
-"Shye knew the music as well as she knew her own breathe"(268).

-This chapter is about how in the morning, Roxane usually came down singing in the morning, yet she didn't come down today so this boy Cesar tried to filled up her space, but he ended up getting hurt, so he ran away crying, and Carmen as usual, to the rescue, and had helped cheered and comfort her, he also liked her so I guess he felt better since she came to talk to him.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

ROAR - Bel Canto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter EIGHT
-The room was so small, he could touch the ceiling.
-They were playing Chess to waste time.
-They were only to move when they are allow to.
-They were eating gallons of icecream.
-Messner was the man who handled negotiations.
-What were they playing?
-who was that "woman" that was holding his hand?
-How many hostages is still left alive there?
-Why did they look down upon Ishmael?
2litarcy terms:
-"Gen trailed behinf them like a well - trained butler"(236).
-"She wanted to walk down the street in the city like any other girl and have men tap their horns as they drove by her"(242).
1overview sentence:
- They were doing everything they could to keep their mind off of boredem, they also ate gallons oficecream, also I shmael doesn't look like any person to do impressove stuff but he proved them wrong, he was also an orphan.

ROAR - Bel Canto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter SEVEN

-The first letter of each chapter is not capitalized.
-They haven't been out for a long time and no one had did the garden.
-Finally they got some fresh air.
-In Japan, you're not suppose to wear shoes in the house or it is considered as "barbaric".
-Roxane likes Mr. Hosokawa.

-Why were the hostage being shot one per day?
-How long haven't they been out?
-Isn't it about time the terrorists let them go?
-How much longer do they have to suffer?

-gerunds(209): Verbal noun analogous
-faltered(212): To be unsteady in purpose or action.
-imperceptibly(225): Very slight, gradual, or subtl.

2literacy terms:
-"The leaves are as tall as the flowers"(197).
-"Her voice was so pure, so light, that it opened up the ceiling and carried their petitions directly to God"(200).

1overview sentence:
-Each day one hostage were taken upon the roof and shot, the hostages also hasn't been out for so long, that they forgot how it looked, felt, and also no one had cleaned up so the grass was practically tall as flowers, and how Carmen told Mr. Hosokawa that Roxane likes him and he tried to make moves on her in a gentlemen way and he's taking his time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

ROAR - Bel Canto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter SIX

-They are becoming weaker and weaker as days pass by.
-Roxane began to knew Carmen and had let her sat on her bed, drink out of her cup.
-She also likes to braid and play with Carmen's hair because she likes it.
-Roxane helps Kato with his piano lessons.
-There were no knived left in the house so it was pretty hard to make food.

-How is the people mailing things?
-Where are the terrorists?
-Is the people going to die?
-How are they living?

-inevitability(161): Unable to avoid.
-corralling(168): An enclosure.
-balk(182): To stop, as at an obstacle, and refuse to proceed or to do something specified.

2literacy terms:
-"Death was already sucking the air from the bottom of their lungs"(161).
-"...Carmen's hair, which was as shiny and black as a pool of oil"(162).

1overview sentence:
-Its getting so tiring for the people, it was quiet hard for them to live because they are lacking supplies and that they miss their family, also Roxane began getting to know Carmen and they started connecting, also Roxane is tutoring/giving Kato piano lessons at the same time each day.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

ROAR - Bel Canto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter FIVE

-They admired Gen's penmanship and how he could type.
-Ruben - a vice president of the country that was doing chores around the house.
-There was two unpowerful and not rich were the one put to work; and the one that were worked on his own will.
-Mr. Hosokawa was with Roxane and Kato at the piano most of the time.
-The pianist, song writers, and singers are coming up with new songs, and new lyrics.

-There's spanish people living in Japan?
-What are the terrorists doing?
-How is there still food there?
-Why are they keeping so many people yet not doing anything.

-dredged(131): A barge on which such a machine is mounted.
-imprisonment(134): To confine in.
-pantomimed(155): The art or technique of conveying emotions, actions, feelings, etc by gestures without using words.

2literacy terms:
-"They could hear its beauty without being paralyzed by it"(155).
-"...ceilings came tipped in gold..."(156).

1overview sentence:
-The people that were not rich or powerful were the one that was made put to work and some of the rich and powerful did on their own behalf because they think its still their duties to do what they do, and also the pianist, singers, and song producer including people that could write songs still made songs and also Carmen is shy.

ROAR - Bel Canto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter FOUR

- They couldn't tell where they were at because of the window that was misty but not drizzle and had the color gray.
- Father Arguedas is a priest that is helping people get back to their tracks.
- These terrorists are not bright to me because they wouldn't crash a party of one of the most important person in the country.
- I would try to escape or call for help while the terrorists weren't looking.
- Tetsuya Kato is a pianist.

- Why couldn't they let the rest of the guests at Mr. Hosokawa's guest home?
- Who is the narrator?
- What are the people doing there while trapped?
- There were children there?

-peculiar(pg106): Strange.
-muzzle(pg116): The mouth, or end of pistol etc.
-wholly(pg129): Entirely etc.

2literacy terms:
-"...their weapons pointed out like canes for the blind."(pg107).
-" thoughtlessly as a coin is dropped."(pg108).

1overview sentence:
- The guests were still stucked, the terrorists were stalling, there were priests helping them get over it, and a pianist had came.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

ROAR - Bel canto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter THREE

- All the women were released except one.
- Roxane Coss can sing.
- Only keep a hostage that is worth something.
- Mr. Hosokawa lived for opera.
- The terrorists are Swedish people.

- Does he live for anything else?
- Why are they doing illegal thing?
- Are they in need of money?
- Why did they decide to keep a opera singer as hostage instead of someone else?

-arias(pg69): Opera.
-slurred(pg72): To pass over lightly or w/out due mention of consideration.
-solace(pg81): Comfort in sorrow misfortune or trouble.

2literacy terms:
-"As a child she had waited"(pg70).
-"His arms hanging from his sides like flags..."(pg70).

1overview sentence:
- They had freed the rest of the women except for one because they wanted to keep her as hostage along with the rest of the men and they only keep the hostage that is worth something for them to trade for like money and such, also Mr. Hosokawa thinks that Roxane Coss is the most beautifulest thing there is, and that his heart skips a beat when he's near her and also i learned that the terrorists are Swedish.

ROAR - BelCanto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter TWO

- People wished that they never came to the party.
- Everyone that had came was so tired, they was knocked (sleeping) on the floor, and basically they all needed to use the bathroom but they couldn't move because of the men with guns outside.
- It was Mr. Hosokawa's birthday party, so the terrible burden of responsibility was put upon him.
- If it wasn't for him, no one would have came and all of this was unexpected.
- Mr. Hosokawa find Roxane Coss attractive, and not because she was beautiful, it was because she's different.

- How did they assemble so quickly?
- Was there someone who was acting as an undercover?
- Who was the men with the bullhorns?
- What did they want?

-Acoustics(pg31): The qualities characteristics of a room, stadium etc that determine th audibility fidelity of sounds in it.
-Liaison(pg41): A person who intiates and maintains a contact or connection.
-Nauseated(pg44): To be affect wit nausea - Sick.

2literacy terms:
-"There were a series of loud clicks and then an artificial blue-white light spilled through the living-room window like a cold milk and made everyone squint"(pg30).
-"It was a soft, whistling snore like a wind coming in to beneath a doorjamb, ..."(pg30).

1overview sentence:
-This is about how when the terrorists came and people were tired so they had to sleep on the floor, they regretted coming, Mr. Hosokawa is under great pressure because of the fact that it was his party, why people had came and so its his responsibility, no one though that this would have happened, and everyone also was in need of using the utility and they was all scared and wanted to wish as if the terrorists never came.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ROAR - Bel Canto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter ONE

- Mr. Hosokawa has many people's respect.
- Japan is a poverty country.
- He (Mr. Hosokawa) is a fan of opera.
- Opera seems to always be the human interest angle to make him appear more accessible.
- The party placement seems so luxurious, with all the people working there, stuffs that were there, the furniture, and like the protection seems so fancy.

- Who is Mr. Hosokawa?
- Why did people came to Japan and the party because of him?
- Who was the man that kissed the woman, and who was the woman that the man kissed?
- Why doesn't Mr. Hosokawa like to celebrate his birthday?

-Nonsensical(pg2): Words or language that makes no sense or has a meaning.
-Aficuinado(pg7): Engender affection.
-Pervasive(pg19): To become spread throughout all parts of;

-"A smell that meant it was late now, time to go to bed."(pg2)
-"By now the bodyguards napped inside limousines like great, overfed dogs."(pg8)

1overview sentence:
- This is about how Mr. Hosokawa was introduced, how important he was, the impact he made upon the people, the respect he has, how he has an obsession with opera, and it is the only thing that can explains him, is how he felt and Japan is a poverty country.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

- There's like 100,100 barrels per day in the year 2000 in u.s.
- Vehicles use alot of oil which is one of the cause for global warming.
- It seems as if California is more advance and into making cars less global warming causing.
- Ethanol is particially made of the starch in corn kernels.
- John J. Fialka is a staff reporter for the Wall Street Journal.

- What is E85?
- Who is David Stripp?
- What inspired him to write about clean and renewable fuel?
- What percentage fewer miles per gallon do vehicles running on Enthanol than gasoline?

- Ethanol(pg192): Chemisty.
- Deem(pg194): To form or have an opinion; judge; think: He did not deem lightly of the issue.
- Ferment(pg198): Any of a group of living organisms, as yeasts, molds, and certain bacteria, that cause fermentation.

2literacy terms:
- "...natural gas qualifies as clean fuel"(pg190).
- "...such as lowering U.S..."(pg195).

1overview sentence:
- There's like 100,100 barrels per day in the year 2000 in u.s, vehicles use alot of oil which is one of the cause for global warming, it also seems as if California is more advance and into making cars less global warming causing, and Ethanol is particially made of the starch in corn kernels, also John J. Fialka is a staff reporter for the Wall Street Journal.

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

- Donald W. Nauss wrote about "Fuel Cell Cars Are Clean and Efficient".
- DaimlerChrysler is designing a fuel-cell.
- It takes alot of time and process to make a change.
- Steve Spaulding wrote about "Natural gas vehicles can reduce greenhouse gases".
- Its amazing to know that fuels have cells itself.

- Fuel has cells?
- Will gasoline not needed anymore if they find another way thats global warming
- Who is Nauss?
- Why did they put what he wrote in the book?Enter away message text here.

- Hybrid(pg180): The offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds, varieties, species, or genera, esp. as produced through human manipulation for specific genetic characteristics.
- Volatile(pg182): Evaporating rapidly; passing off readily in the form of vapor.
- Tariff(pg185): An official list or table showing the duties or customs imposed by a government on imports or exports.

2literacy terms:
- "...Looks like brand-new oil"(pg 186).
- "Practical price"(pg187).

1overview sentence:
- Donald W. Nauss wrote about "Fuel Cell Cars Are Clean and Efficient" and DaimlerChrysler is designing a fuel-cell, it also takes alot of time and process to make a change, and Steve Spaulding wrote about "Natural gas vehicles can reduce greenhouse gases".

Friday, January 16, 2009

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

- Danylo H. wrote about "Alternative Vehicle Should be replace Gasoline-Powered Cars".
- When vehicles run on water, water would become expensive!
- They might even make cars run on battery.
- In California and Arizona had already start on cars that runs on battery and had someone tried it and it was amazing.
- This is a very detailed and alot of accurate exact information; Like the cost and locations.

- How will SUV hybrid improved?
- Who is Dan Hawaleshka suppose to be?
- What has he done for us?
- How many automobiles will there be in 2020?

- Automotive(pg157): Pertaining to the design, operation, manufacture, or sale of automobiles: automotive parts.
- Petroleum(pg160): An oily, thick, flammable, usually dark-colored liquid that is a form of bitumen or a mixture of various hydrocarbons, occurring naturally in various parts of the world and commonly obtained by drilling.
- Combustion(pg172): The act or process of burning.

2literacy terms:
- "...Will serve as a bridge..."(pg160).
- "...Such as for security..."(pg171).

1overview sentence:
-Danylo H. wrote about "Alternative Vehicle Should be replace Gasoline-Powered Cars", also when vehicles run on water, water would become expensive and they might even make cars run on battery, also in California and Arizona had already start on cars that runs on battery and had someone tried it and it was amazing, alsothis is a very detailed and alot of accurate exact information, like the cost and locations.

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

- Marilyn L. and a couple of others wrote "Geothermal Energy Is Abundant and clean".
- There's alot of temperture even its at the same area.
- Shallower reservoirs of lower temperature are used directly in health spas, greenhouses, fish farms, and industry and in space heating systems for homes, schools and offices.
- Electric is use for so many things.
- There's also geothermal heat pumps.

- What does geothermal reservoir means to the author?
- Why are the three geologic areas are geothermal resvoirs?
- What are geothermal power plants use for?
- Why did they decided to search about geothermal?

- insulates(pg138): To cause to be in a detached or isolated position.
- Binary(pg141): Consisting of, indicating, or involving two.
- Rigs(pg147): To provide with a harness or equipment; fit out.

2literacy terms:
- Its taking place in California.
- "Public polls..."(pg148)

1overview sentence:
- Marilyn L. and a couple of others wrote "Geothermal Energy Is Abundant and clean, there's alot of temperture even its at the same area, and shallower reservoirs of lower temperature are used directly in health spas, greenhouses, fish farms, and industry and in space heating systems for homes, schools and offices, and electric is use for so many things, also there's such thing as geothermal heat pumps.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

- Methane dydrate deposits means formed when bacteria excrete methan.
- Richard M. wrote about "Methane Hydrates May Provide Energy in the Future".
- They are trying to make methane hydrates fuel for the 21st century.
- Canada, India, Korea, and Norway have all joined together to start their own hydrates research programs.
- Japan takes the lead on methane hydrates expoloration because its geologic heritage has left it with few options.

- Who is Richard Monastersky?
- How does he noes methane hydrates are found nebeath the ocear floor and in polar permafrost?
- How do he knows what the future needs?
- Why is Japan so interested in expoloring mathane hydrates?

- ignited(pg129): To set on fire.
- Lattice(pg132): A structure of crossed wooden or metal strips usually arranged to form a diagonal pattern of open spaces between the strips.
- Petroleum(pg132): An oily, thick, flammable, usually dark-colored liquid that is a form of bitumen or a mixture of various hydrocarbons, occurring naturally in various parts of the world and commonly obtained by drilling.

2literacy terms:
- "...will breach a hard icelike layer..."(pg129).
- "...duch as India as well as for..."(pg129).

1overview sentence:
Methane dydrate deposits means formed when bacteria excrete methan, Richard M. wrote about "Methane Hydrates May Provide Energy in the Future", and they are trying to make methane hydrates fuel for the 21st century, also Canada, India, Korea, and Norway have all joined together to start their own hydrates research programs, but Japan takes the lead on methane hydrates expoloration because its geologic heritage has left it with few options.

ROAR- Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

-Carbon Dioxide is deadly.
-At this rate, we will all die soon because of all the pollutions.
-Solar is a reusable source of energy.
-We might get cancer if we allow this to continue.
-Wind is the fastest growing energy source.

- How are we suppose to know that people cares?
- Is anyone really gonna stop burning fuels?
-How come we can't switch to wind energy?
-How come we can't create a system that sucks all the harmful pollution out?

-Turbine(pg107): any of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum, or reactive thrust of a moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air, either occurring in the form of free jets or as a fluid passing through and entirely filling a housing around the rotor.
-Kilowatts: (pg107): A unit of power equal to 1,000 watts.
-Marring(pg106): T disfigure, deface, or scar.

2literacy terms:
- "...use as little as..."(pg109)
- " well as destroying unique habitats..."(pg111)

1overview sentence:
- Carbon Dioxide is deadly, at this rate, we will all die soon because of all the pollutions, solar is a reusable source of energy, we might get cancer if we allow this to continue, and the wind is the fastest energy source.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

-We should all switch to nuclear power plants.
-Working at power plants is putting people in contact with radioactivity.
-When men work at power plants, their sperm counts go down.
-We should switch to solar power.
-We should give wind electricity a try.

-Does nuclear power plants really destroy men's sperm count?
-Why can't we use solar power?
-Why can't we use water to run cars?
-Why not go for nuclear power since it's cheaper and more efficient?

-Dramatically(pg93): employing the form or manner of the drama.
-conservation(pg95): the act of conserving; prevention of injury, decay, waste, or loss; preservation: conservation of wildlife; conservation of human rights.
-Pulitzer(pg95): annual awards for distinguished work in U.S. journalism, letters, music, etc., 1918, named for U.S. journalist Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), publisher of the "New York Globe," who established them in 1917 through an endowment to Columbia University.

2literacy terms:
-"but the construction of dams and lakes often does damage to natural as well as human habitats"(pg95).
- Nuking consumers : By decommissioning.

1overview sentence:
- People are trying to change the nuclear power plants because it isnt working, its ruining the enviorment, and that they are trying to make water works for car.

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

- Nuclear power is US most threatening energy shortage.
- The book has some questions that don't say who said it.
- Nuclear power is becoming more and more important.
- Carbon-dioxide emissions are consider as global warming.
- I perfer global warming because I hate the cold.

- Who is Patric Hill?
- How do they know what casues global warming?
- How is nuclear power found?
- Why do they fight over nuclear power?

- Skyrocketed(pg75): To rise or cause to rise rapidly and suddenly.
- Stagnant(pg77): Not flowing or running, as water, air, etc.
- Inconsequential(pg80): Of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial.

- "...see nuclear power as a key..."(pg77).
- "...out as soon as alternative energy..."(pg81).

1overview sentence:
- This is about how nuclear is u.s most threatening energy source, and that people fight over nuclear power, and that it is the cause to global warming.

Friday, January 9, 2009

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energry Alternatives
Helen Cothran

-I think that fossil fuel will run out one day.
-The reason why we can't run on other alternatives of energy is because of states that are huge, they don't have enough money to afford it.
-I think America should use less fuel, other countries with less rescources are still capable of living. I think we use up all the fuel for unecessary reasons, and that's why we try tapping into the resources of other countries.
-Oil is not man made, oil is something that is produced by nature and it takes years instead of days.
-Cars should run on a alternative type of fuel because there are so many cars out there and it's not only depleting our ozone layer, it is also progressing the lack of oil supply.

-Can water become a alternative type of fuel?
-If the Earth runs out of oil, what will happen to us all?
-Will there be a more consequential result if we continue to use fossil fuel carelessly?
-Is there a possibility that the making of fossil fuel can take less time to produce? If science can cheat time?

-Endowment(pg28): the property, funds, etc., with which an institution or person is endowed.
-Extraction(pg29): an act or instance of extracting: the extraction of a molar.
-Paradigm(pg36): a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, esp. the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme.

-"...estimates over as many years, as well as with other analytical techniques"(pg31).
-"It turns out, however that Soviet explorers were as intelligent as their Western counterparts"(pg31).

- In this chapter, the book talked about how difficult it is to find alternatives to fossil fuel because the alternatives are so pricey, and then it talked about oil and gave examples that took place in the past.

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energry Alternative
Helen Cothran


- Gas would soon cost alot of money.
- Cars is the reason why Earth is polluting.
- The energy economy is decreasing unless a new system can be overcome.
- California consumed / took most of the energy.
- Christopher Flavin argues about wanting the world to use clean and renewable source rather than burning enviormentally damaging fossil fuels.

- Why do they give us questions to think about?
- Do they want us to answer the questions?
- If we don't know the answer to the questions does it mean we're not reading correctly?
- How do energy get transport?

- Deregulation(pg13): To remove government regulatory controls from.
- Proponents(pg17): An advocate.
- Ecological(pg20): The branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.

2literacy terms:
- " much insigh as a medical ethicist's professional opinion."(pg10)
- "...such as solar and wind power..."(pg17)

- This is about how they state the fact that gas is polluting earth, California takes up most of the energy, and how there is people out there complaining about wether if others don't know the cause and effect of energy, gas and etc, they shouldn't use it because its ruining the atomosphere, and that we need a new way of using energy and gas without polluting earth.