Thursday, January 15, 2009

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

- Methane dydrate deposits means formed when bacteria excrete methan.
- Richard M. wrote about "Methane Hydrates May Provide Energy in the Future".
- They are trying to make methane hydrates fuel for the 21st century.
- Canada, India, Korea, and Norway have all joined together to start their own hydrates research programs.
- Japan takes the lead on methane hydrates expoloration because its geologic heritage has left it with few options.

- Who is Richard Monastersky?
- How does he noes methane hydrates are found nebeath the ocear floor and in polar permafrost?
- How do he knows what the future needs?
- Why is Japan so interested in expoloring mathane hydrates?

- ignited(pg129): To set on fire.
- Lattice(pg132): A structure of crossed wooden or metal strips usually arranged to form a diagonal pattern of open spaces between the strips.
- Petroleum(pg132): An oily, thick, flammable, usually dark-colored liquid that is a form of bitumen or a mixture of various hydrocarbons, occurring naturally in various parts of the world and commonly obtained by drilling.

2literacy terms:
- "...will breach a hard icelike layer..."(pg129).
- "...duch as India as well as for..."(pg129).

1overview sentence:
Methane dydrate deposits means formed when bacteria excrete methan, Richard M. wrote about "Methane Hydrates May Provide Energy in the Future", and they are trying to make methane hydrates fuel for the 21st century, also Canada, India, Korea, and Norway have all joined together to start their own hydrates research programs, but Japan takes the lead on methane hydrates expoloration because its geologic heritage has left it with few options.

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