Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

- Nuclear power is US most threatening energy shortage.
- The book has some questions that don't say who said it.
- Nuclear power is becoming more and more important.
- Carbon-dioxide emissions are consider as global warming.
- I perfer global warming because I hate the cold.

- Who is Patric Hill?
- How do they know what casues global warming?
- How is nuclear power found?
- Why do they fight over nuclear power?

- Skyrocketed(pg75): To rise or cause to rise rapidly and suddenly.
- Stagnant(pg77): Not flowing or running, as water, air, etc.
- Inconsequential(pg80): Of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial.

- "...see nuclear power as a key..."(pg77).
- "...out as soon as alternative energy..."(pg81).

1overview sentence:
- This is about how nuclear is u.s most threatening energy source, and that people fight over nuclear power, and that it is the cause to global warming.

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