Saturday, March 7, 2009

ROAR - Bel Canto

Bel Canto
Ann Patchett
Chapter NINE

-They gave roxane alot of respect and glory.
-They also hope for the return.
-Cesar is a boy who loves music and has a passion for singing.
-Carmen is always there to help, what they came to realize.
-Cesar likes Carmen.

-Why didnt Roxane came down to the piano this morning?
-Who was trying to fill up Roxane's space?
-Was it singing he loved or her singing he loved?
-Was he better than Roxane?


2literacy terms:
-"The notes welled up in throat like a wave"(266).
-"Shye knew the music as well as she knew her own breathe"(268).

-This chapter is about how in the morning, Roxane usually came down singing in the morning, yet she didn't come down today so this boy Cesar tried to filled up her space, but he ended up getting hurt, so he ran away crying, and Carmen as usual, to the rescue, and had helped cheered and comfort her, he also liked her so I guess he felt better since she came to talk to him.

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