Friday, December 5, 2008

ROAR - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 8

- Johann gutenberg is known as "the man who invented printing".
- Chinese was really the one who discovered how to repeat designs and pictures on papers.
- The making of paper came from Europe from the Orient.
- The first thing that was copy was the Mazarine Bible that had attracted people"s interest by printing.
- They created a press table.

- How did they create the press table?
- Did they hire or just enslave people to make papers and copies?
- Was it color back then or just plain black and white?
- How did they come up with their designs on their alphabet?

- Hemps(pg187): a plant.
- Scribe(pg189): a writer or who make copies of manuscripts before the invention of printing.
- Snugly(pg198): fitting closely.

2literacy terms
- "...for coins and the like, but..."(pg200)
- "...methods as simple as those we..."(pg203)

1overview sentence:
- This is basically about how Johann gutenberg wasn't the real creater of printing and how it got started and that they even created a press table where they make their copies at and the making of paper came from Europe from the Orient and they like to design on their alphabets.

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