Tuesday, November 25, 2008

ROAR2 - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 3

- They have no books.
- Their alphabet accounts the record.
- Phoenicia is now called Syria.
- Phoenicia means "blood-red".
- They have slaves.

- Who was the first soldier?
- How do they know when the first alphabet was started?
- Who came up with the drawings for the Egyptians?
- Who was the first king?

- Catastrophes (pg75): A complete failure.
- Ideographic (pg75): Representing of a ideogram (written symbols that represent an idea or object directly).
- Aleph (pg78): Ox.

2literacy terms:
-"...Hebrew letters as well as our own..." (pg 80)
- "...Moabite stone was discovered in 1868..."(pg81)

1overview sentence:
- This is about how there were no books, how Phoenicia is now known as Syria, it also meant blood-red for the soldiers, they do have slaves and they borrow some Ugaritic and early noncuneiform to make their alphabet.

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