Friday, October 17, 2008

ROAR - The First Woman Doctor 6

The First Women Doctor
By Rachel Baker
Chapter 6

Even though her hands are small, but they are surgeon hand as Dr. Webster stated.
- Without your eyes, your hands are blind.
- Now Elizabeth is starting to gain respect and being treated almost the same as the men.
- She admired Dr. Corydon Le Ford even though he is who she knew to be a follower of the slave-holding theory.
- The professor and everyone else is begining to change thier attitudes towards Elizabeth.

Why did she decided to become a surgeon?
- Do they hit you if you do something wrong?
- What is 'alien' means to Henry?
- Back in those days, they graduate in churches?

- Typhus(pg90):
- Orator(pg94):
- Cholera(pg96):

2literacy terms:
"She was not an orator for the rights of woemn, like her brother's friend, Lucy Stone."(pg94)
- "...and your keep here any day as a kitchen maid."(pg94)

1overview sentence:
People are getting use to the appearance of Elizabeth and that they are changing thier attitudes towards her and treating her equally, also she is learning new things, she wants to be a surgeon, it was as if she was born to become a surgeon, she is gifted, Dr. Webster is changing and that believed if women could become surgeons/ doctors, then they should have the right to vote, and that she is not any odinary nor any female everyone has met.

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