Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ROAR - Energy Alternatives

Energy Alternatives
Helen Cothran

-We should all switch to nuclear power plants.
-Working at power plants is putting people in contact with radioactivity.
-When men work at power plants, their sperm counts go down.
-We should switch to solar power.
-We should give wind electricity a try.

-Does nuclear power plants really destroy men's sperm count?
-Why can't we use solar power?
-Why can't we use water to run cars?
-Why not go for nuclear power since it's cheaper and more efficient?

-Dramatically(pg93): employing the form or manner of the drama.
-conservation(pg95): the act of conserving; prevention of injury, decay, waste, or loss; preservation: conservation of wildlife; conservation of human rights.
-Pulitzer(pg95): annual awards for distinguished work in U.S. journalism, letters, music, etc., 1918, named for U.S. journalist Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), publisher of the "New York Globe," who established them in 1917 through an endowment to Columbia University.

2literacy terms:
-"but the construction of dams and lakes often does damage to natural as well as human habitats"(pg95).
- Nuking consumers : By decommissioning.

1overview sentence:
- People are trying to change the nuclear power plants because it isnt working, its ruining the enviorment, and that they are trying to make water works for car.

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