Monday, October 20, 2008

ROAR - The First Woman Doctor 7

The First Woman Doctor
By Rachel Baker

Chapter 7


- Elizabeth is hard working.
- People is starting to see how good she is and her talents.
- Though she is in a rough enviorment, she is trying her best and is not complaining.
- She keeps a diary; she writes about the morning, afternoon, and night time.
- Her eyes might have been affected, buh now its fixed.

- Why was the hospital in chaos?
- What do they mean the room was low?
- Why wasn't Elizabeth nervous?
- How did she regain courage?


- Interceded (pg104): pleading or petition
- Labyrinthine (pg105): relating to or affecting
- Vehemence (pg115): intensity or forcefulness

2literacy terms:

- "And wear an apron and maybe even wooden sabots like any peasent girl!"(pg104)
- ".Like some peasont girl from the provinces of some silly little grisette!" (pg105)

1overview sentence
- Elizabeth's talent had started to catch some eyes and is being noticed. She has been working really hard, asked questions whenever there is the chance too, though however, there is still some people who think likewise; women can not become physician because they are women, Elizabeth also kept a diary about what happened, what she had learn, and what's going on, how hard it is but she is not going to give up, and that she is proving to everyone that she isn't just like any other girls also that not only men could be physicians, everyone should be treated and have the same chances as every other person not depending on their gender, race, ethicnicy, and or where they came from, who they are etc.

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