Tuesday, December 9, 2008

ROAR - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 9

Morris is a devotion in life.
- Letter press is printing,
- Chinese is known for the repeating designs.
- People is very interested in theier alphabets.
- Its amazing how long it had took and how many people it took to make our alphabet shapes and how the printing became an important part of literature.

Why are their names so different?
- Does the place they talked about it still exsist?
- What ade them choose the word Intaglio?
- Why did they use the word press?

Mainstreams(pg255): To incorporate into a prevailing group.
- Linger(pg259): To remain/stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected.
- Sensitized(pg266): To render sensitive.

2literacy terms:
"Lettering alphabets like squire"(pg255)
- "...of printing as well as by fads and fashion..."(pg261)

1overview sentence:
This is about basically how our alphabet became how it is and how the last step it took everything to get together to make our alphabet looks like and how we write them, also how it took alot of time and alot of people in order to make our alphabet happens.

Monday, December 8, 2008

ROAR - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 9

- Germany alphabet was first seen as black.
- They modified Caroline hand as it was then written in Italy though it was not a new style.
- The patrons of church encourage the makers of books.
- They write really simple.
- The first dated book was in 1464 or 1465 in Italy.

- Do they still write somewhat like they use to?
- Is there any books that has those types of writing still?
- How did they find out the words they used to use to describe things?
- When did someone first found out that back in those days, they had letters?

- Pioneer(pg217): A person who is among those who first enter or settle a region, thus opening it for occupation and development by others.
- Slavishly(218): Of or befitting a slave.
- Ebb(238): The flowing back of the tide as the water returns to the sea.

2literacy terms:
- "...and symbolic picture designs as well as the simpler..."(pg222)
- "...bad printing, just as there is bad taste..."(pg250)

1overview sentence:
- Germany alphabet was first written in black and they modified caroline alphabet by a bit and italy even if its not a "new style", and the people in church wants encourage them to write, and the first dated book was in 1464 or 1465 in Italy and that they write really simple and they do enslaves people to write for them and make coppies.

Friday, December 5, 2008

ROAR - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 8

- Johann gutenberg is known as "the man who invented printing".
- Chinese was really the one who discovered how to repeat designs and pictures on papers.
- The making of paper came from Europe from the Orient.
- The first thing that was copy was the Mazarine Bible that had attracted people"s interest by printing.
- They created a press table.

- How did they create the press table?
- Did they hire or just enslave people to make papers and copies?
- Was it color back then or just plain black and white?
- How did they come up with their designs on their alphabet?

- Hemps(pg187): a plant.
- Scribe(pg189): a writer or who make copies of manuscripts before the invention of printing.
- Snugly(pg198): fitting closely.

2literacy terms
- "...for coins and the like, but..."(pg200)
- "...methods as simple as those we..."(pg203)

1overview sentence:
- This is basically about how Johann gutenberg wasn't the real creater of printing and how it got started and that they even created a press table where they make their copies at and the making of paper came from Europe from the Orient and they like to design on their alphabets.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

ROAR - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 7

- Carlo did a lot of good deeds before he died and became a subject of numerous legends.
- The alphabet was modified and developed by semi Irish monks.
- Sometimes the words are written together so that it'd be faster writing yet it is still readable.
- They like to write fancy.
- Alcuin adopted from other cultures and the different styles.

- What did Carlo do that was soo great for them to start writing stories about him?
- Who came up with the idea of writing it together so that they could write faster?
- Why did they start to write slanted with their alphabet?
- Why do they use math to write their alphabet?

- Leisure(pg166): Freedom from comands of working.
- Haphazard(pg168): Characterized by lack of order or planning.
- Harmonize(pg172): To bring into agreement.

2literacy terms:
- "...as rude and barbaric like the goth..."(pg174)
- "Italy"(Where its taking place)

1overview sentence:
- Italy's alphabet create the italic words, Carlo did a lot of good deeds as they said and that he became serious numbers of legends and that they like to write slanted (italic), also Alcuin started to modified and develope another version of the Italian alphabet.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ROAR - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 6

- Sucat won over the Christianity.
- The Pope was pleased with his work and gave him the name "Pacricius" which meant noble.
- Sucat tried to create the letters, his wasn't as modernized yet.
- Their letters began to look more like ours, more modernized and simpler.
- They wrote very thin with designs.

- How did the Pope united together?
- What does "Pope" means?
- Why do they write thin?
- Why do they design on their letters?

Bondage(pg146): Slavery.
- Pagan(pg146): A person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.
- Quill(pg 153): A bobbin or spool.

2literacy terms:
"...worked for 6 years as a slave..."(pg 147)
- "From Italy to Germany"(setting)

1overview sentence:
- Sucat is a boy from Italy and he done many things that the pope was pleased about so they named him "Patricius" - nobel, they wrote very thin with many designs however, it is still readable and that this is basically about how Italy and Germany got their alphabet from, it is also know as "Small letters".

ROAR - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 5

- Alphabet is the first thing that Rome ever borrowed.
- Rome is reffered as "she".
- Language remains mystery.
- Rome didn't use alot of letters.
- Depends on either swell of the curves, differnt "weight", or thickness of horizontal, vertical and or obligque storkes.

- How did they pronounce their letters back then?
- How did it change?
- Who came up with the letters in the first place?
- Why did they decide to have letters?

- Fabled(pg102): No real exsistence.
- Gradual(pg106): Taking place, movement.
- Serifs(pg116): A fine line finishing off the main strokes of a letter.

2literacy terms:
- "...;it, like the more flowing shape..."(pg107)
- "...was developed through writing as compared to DRAWING..."(pg108)

1overview sentence:
- This is about how rome had adapted their letters from other places and just switch it up by using their own techniques of writing their own letters and that their letters remain mystery somehow and they also didn't use alot of letters in their alphabet.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ROAR - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 4

- Greece had the smallest empire but the greatest glory and influence.
- It depends on which ever way the furrow goes is how you read it.
- After the Phoenicians write their letters, Greeks slighlty modified the sign by a slightly bit.
- It took a while till punctuation came.
- They use to have only 13 basic alphabet.

- How come the Greece borrow some of the Phoenicians?
- Who decides how the letters look like?
- Why didn't they just keep it the way it is instead of modifiying it?
- How are they sure what happen really happens or did they interpret in their own words?

- Consonants (pg87): Being in agreement or accord.
- Memoranda (pg98): Memolike.
- Parchment (pg 100): Manuscript or document on such material.

2literacy terms
- "...in no sense a naion united like our own..." (pg86)
- "...and looked like a door with panels..." (pg91)

1overview sentence
- This is about how the Greece borrow some words to write and as time goes by, their writing has improved to the moderen writing and that punctuation didn't come soon, also how it took a while for the words and that by using images they created their alphabet list.