Tuesday, November 25, 2008

ROAR2 - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 3

- They have no books.
- Their alphabet accounts the record.
- Phoenicia is now called Syria.
- Phoenicia means "blood-red".
- They have slaves.

- Who was the first soldier?
- How do they know when the first alphabet was started?
- Who came up with the drawings for the Egyptians?
- Who was the first king?

- Catastrophes (pg75): A complete failure.
- Ideographic (pg75): Representing of a ideogram (written symbols that represent an idea or object directly).
- Aleph (pg78): Ox.

2literacy terms:
-"...Hebrew letters as well as our own..." (pg 80)
- "...Moabite stone was discovered in 1868..."(pg81)

1overview sentence:
- This is about how there were no books, how Phoenicia is now known as Syria, it also meant blood-red for the soldiers, they do have slaves and they borrow some Ugaritic and early noncuneiform to make their alphabet.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ROAR2 - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 2

- Egyptians like to draw many figures of animals and birds and sometimes even a "curious combinations" of birds and animals with human features.
- As the Egyptians ancestors before therm and their offsprings had change and add to the meanings of many pictures.
- Waving water used to stand for the letter "N".
- Each cultures have their own ways of telling stories (pictures had different meanings).
- They all have different ways of coming up with ideas and why and what it meant.

- Why didn't they draw plants but animals?
- How come they combined the features of animals, birds and humans together in a drawing?
- Who came up with the idea of drawing?
- When did this all happen, and did it happen at the same time?

- Legions (pg43): A large number.
- Hieroglyphs (pg47): A picture or symbol used in hieroglyphic writings.
- Papyrus (pg60): A tall, aquatic plant.

2literacy terms:
- "...more than twice as long as the history of Christian civilization..."(pg50)
- "...and a true alphabet like our own..."(pg58)

1overview sentence:
- This is about how and what the Egyptians had done for their alphabet, and how they read their drawings and each and every pictures have different meanings and that they uses tool to write with and used paper to write on.

ROAR2 - The 26 Letters

The 26 Letters
By Oscar Ogg
Chapter 1

- When they move, they don't take everything of theirs to their new home an remake weapons, untensils and etc for their new home.
- They draw to tell stories.
- Their drawings are unfinished most of the time.
- Later on, humans start to become part of the stories.
- Quious are knotted cords use by the Incas.

- Who was the first person to draw?
- Who came up with the idea of carving animals on stones?
- What did they use to draw with?
- How were they so artistic?

3 vocabulary:
- Fetishes (page9): "An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices."
- Relics (pg13): " A surviving memorial of something past."
- Phonogram (pg41): "A unit symbol of a phonetic writing system, standing for a speech sound, syllable, or other sequence of speech sounds without reference to meaning."

2literacy terms:
-"...and the creatures who made them were more like apoes than men." (pg6)
-"...that this art, like all art..." (pg9)

1overview sentence:
- This is basicially about how and what the people back in the time does, like why they carved, and how it meant, also how people read it and that they drew on walls to tell story and how it became better and more real life like, also how each cultures had different way of drawing their stories and their symbols mean different things.